Tuesday-Friday, March 23-26 Poetry Break: September Night

11-12R2: I can determine two or more themes or central ideas in a text and analyze their development, including how they emerge and are shaped and refined by specific details 11-12R4 I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings. Analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning, tone, and mood. 11-12W2c: I can precise language, content-specific vocabulary and literary techniques to express the appropriate complexity of a topic. 11-12W2d: I can use appropriate and varied transitions and syntax to make insightful connections and distinctions, create cohesion, and clarify relationships among complex ideas and concepts Essential question: How do figurative language devices-imagery, personification and apostrophe- contribute to a poem? George Marion McClellan (1860-1934) was a minister, teacher, fiction writer, and distinguished African American poet. He is best known for his two poetry colle...