Friday/ Monday, January 8/11: Chapter 1 Run and accompanying questions

In class Friday and Monday:

Review of vocabulary and content images for Part 1 Run of Trevor Noah's Born a Crime

You are responsible to read part 1 Run and respond to the four content based questions by midnight Monday, January 11. You will find below both the text and audio versions.

#  Note this day 2 of this assignment. You have class to time complete any reading our questions. Remember this is due by midnight.

If you have finished, continue reading Born a Crime.

WARNING!!!! On January 31, all chapters that we have been listening to read by Trevor Noah have been removed from youtube.   That means, if you have not been keeping up, the links to the individual chapters are no longer working! You may however access the previous chapters through Born a Crime audio link..access to all chapters

 Born a Crime    Text begins page 9

Part 1 Run up to then we went out to the driveway.. audio

Part 1 Run   Continuation audio to the end of the chapter 20:53

South African Mini Bus

Nelson Mandela

Soweto Youth Uprising

catharitic (adjective)- providing psychological relief 
               through the open expression of strong emotions
obstinate- (adjective)-stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

to harangue- (verb)-to lecture in a forceful manner

viable (adjective)- possible, as in viable options

bewilderment (noun)- confusion

petrol station- gas station

Zulu- powerful South African tribe, known for their strong warrior culture

Xhosi- A powerful South African tribe, known for their negotition skills

iwiasa- a type of spear used by Zulu people

Content and reflection

Please open a google doc and copy and paste the following questions based upon chapter 1 Run.
As always, share at  or 2006630 from the share drop down menu

Respond to the questions, weaving in text to support your response. Your sentences should be complete and demonstrate that your read the chapter.

1. Describe the differences among the three churches that Trevor went to: Mixed Church Rema Bible, White Church Rosebank Union and Black Church

2. How did Trevor's mom handle discipline within the home?

3. What was the "Bloodless Revolution"?

4. Why did Trevor's mother throw him out of the minibus?


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