Thursday/ Friday, Jan 14/15 Born a Crime Chapter 2 title Born a Crime/ reading/listening/ content questions

 IMPORTANT: the last day to turn in any late work for this quarter is Friday, January 22 at midnight. Nothing submitted after will be accepted. The material beginning Monday, January 25 will go into the 3rd quarter.

                                         Table Bay

                                          Joubert Park

Trevor Noah's mother


unsustainable (adjective)-not able to be maintained at the current  rate or level.

ramifications (noun)-a consequence of an action or event, especially when complex or unwelcome.

to quell (verb)-tto put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force.


expatriate (noun)-a person who lives outside their native country.

prodigal (adj)-spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant.

  BONUS:     Anyone know the story of the prodigal son from the Bible? Send along how this is used in chapter 2 by Saturday for 100 points.

hippos (noun)- tanks with enormous tires and slotted holes in the side of the vehicle to fire guns out of.

impipis- South African word-anonymous snitches who informed on people

blackjack- someone who worked for the police

 Born a Crime  reading pages 20-27

Chapter 2 2:33 to 25:09 audio

Copy and paste the 5 questions into a google doc and complete in full sentences. Share as always: or 2006630 This is due by Saturday noon on January 16.

Suggested strategy: read the questions first and answer as you complete the reading/ listening.

Please respond to the following content-based questions, based upon the reading.

1. How were people in South Africa divided under apartheid?

2. What jobs were black men and black women able to have under apartheid?

3. Describe Trevor's parents, including their personalities and how they met.

4. Describe the township of Soweto, where Trevor's mother's family was from.

5. Trevor Noah had to spend a lot by himself as a child. How did he pass the time?



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