Tuesday/ Wednesday, January 5/6 Day 1: Born a Crime background
Read page 6 The Immorality Act and be prepared on Thursday to write a sentence at the beginning of class that explains this law.
WARNING!!!! On January 31, all chapters that we have been listening to read by Trevor Noah have been removed from youtube. That means, if you have not been keeping up, the links to the individual chapters are no longer working! You may however access the previous chapters through Born a Crime audio link..access to all chapters
Born a Crime...read page 6, immorality act.
In class: we are reading Trevor Noah's autobiography, Born a Crime.
Much of the book will require outside reading. If you are absent, make sure you keep up to date with the reading. There will be a link each day. There will also be an audio link. Class time will be spent responding to the Trevor Noah's experiences.
Apartheid was a political and social system in south Africa during the white era so people of the south were divided by their race and was forced to live separately from each other .