Tues/ Wed, Jan 12-13 Born a Crime preamble to Chapter 2 title Born a Crime/ connection to institutional racism in US


 Class business: The last day to turn in any late work for the second quarter will be Friday, January 22 at midnight. This allows time for grading. 

Material from January 25 onwards will be for the 3rd quarter marking period.

Capetown Today

Classwork/ Assignment: In class we are reading / listening to the preamble to chapter 2 called Born a Crime (same title as the autobiography). As Trevor Noah states, "Apartheid was a police state, a system of surveillance and laws designed to keep black people under total control." 

Your task: Although there have been profound changes that have evolved from the Civil Rights Movement and, most recently, the Black Lives Matter Movement, the United States must still strive for social justice and an antiracist society. Systemic or institutional racism refers to the systems in place that create and maintain racial inequality in nearly every facet of life for people of color that must be dismantled to have an equitable society.

Below you will find very short videos that explore the various ways that systemic racism affects people of color. They are each a little over a minute.

You are to watch 4 of the videos of your choosing and complete the following graphic organizer. This is due by 6 pm on tomorrow, as part of your async work.

Please go to this site:RACE FORWARD, where you will the following videos.

wealth gap


housing discrimination

government suveillance


drug arrests

immigration policies

infant mortality

Open a google doc, copy and paste the following organizer. Once you have completed the material based upon the four videos, please share with dorothy.parker@rcsdk12.org or 2006630. Thank you.


Systemic Racism in America as a connection to South African apartheid

Type of institutional racism

How this type of racism is expressed in the US, according to the video. This may be a statistic or an observation.

How this type of racism is expressed in the US, according to the video. This may be a statistic or an observation.

How this type of racism is expressed in the US, according to the video. This may be a statistic or an observation



































to subugate (verb)-bring under domination or control, especially by conquest.   prefix sub=under, below, less than normal, secondary

    words using the prefix sub: 

  • subconscious. psychic activity just below the level of awareness. ...
  • subjugate. .
  • subliminal. - below perception
  • submarine. ship below water
  • submerge. -underneath water
  • submissive. ... under another's will
  • subordinate. ...lower in rank or position
  • subservient.-prepared to obey without question.

Afrikaners- a south African ethnic group who descended from the Dutch, German and French settlers to South Africa. The Afrikaners slowly developed their own language and culture. 
The word Afrikaners means "Africans" in Dutch.

compendium-(noun)-a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject

WARNING!!!! On January 31, all chapters that we have been listening to read by Trevor Noah have been removed from youtube.   That means, if you have not been keeping up, the links to the individual chapters are no longer working! You may however access the previous chapters through Born a Crime audio link..access to all chapters

Born a Crime  preamble to Chapter 2 page 19

Chapter 2: Born a Crime...preamble until 2:33

Apartheid was perfect racism. It took centuries to develop, starting all the way back in 1652 when the Dutch East India Company landed at the Cape of Good Hope and established a trading colony, Kaapstad, later known as Cape Town, a rest stop for ships traveling between Europe and India. To impose white rule, the Dutch colonists went to war with the natives, ultimately developing a set of laws to subjugate and enslave them. When the British took over the Cape Colony, the descendants of the original Dutch settlers trekked inland and developed their own language, culture, and customs, eventually becoming their own people, the Afrikaners—the white tribe of Africa. 

The British abolished slavery in name but kept it in practice. They did so because, in the mid-1800s, in what had been written off as a near-worthless way station on the route to the Far East, a few lucky capitalists stumbled upon the richest gold and diamond reserves in the world, and an endless supply of expendable bodies was needed to go in the ground and get it all out.

 As the British Empire fell, the Afrikaner rose up to claim South Africa as his rightful inheritance. To maintain power in the face of the country’s rising and restless black majority, the government realized they needed a newer and more robust set of tools. They set up a formal commission to go out and study institutionalized racism all over the world. They went to Australia. They went to the Netherlands. They went to America. They saw what worked, what didn’t. Then they came back and published a report, and the government used that knowledge to build the most advanced system of racial oppression known to man.

 Apartheid was a police state, a system of surveillance and laws designed to keep black people under total control. A full compendium of those laws would run more than three thousand pages and weigh approximately ten pounds, but the general thrust of it should be easy enough for any American to understand. In America you had the forced removal of the native onto reservations coupled with slavery followed by segregation. Imagine all three of those things happening to the same group of people at the same time. That was apartheid.


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